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TimeOut Risponditore Automatico


Well-Known Member
14 Gennaio 2008
Salve a tutti,
Dopo aver configurato il Risponditore Automatico, funziona tutto ( il messagio di attesa , l'istradamento agli interni), ma alla fine del timeout o della selezione errato del tasto il sistema non compie l' azione automatica che gli è stata impostata.

Qualcuno sa come aiutarmi

Grazie in Anticipo !!!!
Hi there,
Where do you set this auto responder exactly? can you describe further the call flow please?
I enclose a picture of where you can find the settings.

As can be seen in the "TIMEOUT" imposed the waiting time after which the system sends the call to the selected ... in my case 23. But this does not happen automatically forward. The version of 3cx is 12 (with Standard license) with all updates made

Thanks !!!
Hi this timeout counter will start counting only from the time the audio prompt finishes, as you set it to the default onhold.wav you will have to add 4:48 mins to this... So you must look in to changing prompt here.
Thank you for your risponsta, but I did not understand what to do. I'll explain: I suggest you to decrease the time of the hold music file by 4 min 10sec. , Physically cutting the file?

Thanks !!!
Well you should set the prompt to another audio file which you control and know the duration.
Alternatively, you could also copy the default onhold.wav file from C:programData3CXDataIvrPrompts and edit it with an audio software such as Audacity. Then shorten it and save. Finally, point the IVR prompt to this new file.
I did as you told me ... it works. but I do not think that should funzioanre so.
the fact remains that the selection of the wrong button IVR does not forward the call. I think it's a mistake to expect ... this version updates.
Thank you for the help

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